+ Purchasing The Age of Conversation on 3/29/08
+ Getting the word to everyone you know that they should purchase The Age of Conversation on 3/29/08
NOTE: As incentive, I have created and posted a document summarizing and organizing the 103 chapters from The Age of Conversation [based on the 'slices' I published last summer in the posts listed in The Age Of Conversation RoundUp] -- to whet your appetite!
The last time a social media event of this sort happened - and let me tell you this is a recent but powerful phenomenon - is when Joe Jaffe so successfully bum rushed Amazon in October 2007 that his book Join The Conversation wound up 2nd only to Greenspan's! In one day, if I'm not mistaken. Impressive.
We'd like to do the same for The Age of Conversation. It's a long anticipated event as announced in Extra, Extra: The Age of Conversation on Amazon, and the date has finally been set. Better late than never and now let's get on with the bum rush!
Per Drew McLellan's instructions, here's the plan to bring this ground-breaking work to a wider audience via Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other quality retail book selling sites. Remember, not only do you get a copy of a great book, but the children of Variety's LifeLine literally get the gift of life.
1. On Saturday, March 29th, we need you to purchase The Age of Conversation from Amazon.com to support the Social Media Bum Rush [as outlined by Chris Wilson]!
2. If you want to purchase several copies, please do so in separate transactions.
3. When you purchase, please go to Amazon via this Amazon affiliate link to The Age of Conversation.
4. Please encourage others around you to purchase the book through this Amazon affiliate link to The Age of Conversation.
If you blog, and you want to participate:
1. Please post the badge to your blog.
2. Talk this event up and help generate as many touch points around the web as possible so that it will be hard not to spot the Age of Conversation activity.
3. Buy the Book & send others to buy the book.
4. Please use this affiliate link, which will help in tracking sales. Remember, all the proceeds from the book sales and referrals will go to charity. [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1847992994?ie=UTF8&tag= drewmclellan-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325& creativeASIN=1847992994]
For Twitter Commentary - Join Gavin, Chris and Drew as they provide Bum Rush play-by-play on Twitter. (Follow them: @Freshpeel, @DrewMcLellan, @servantofchaos.) If you add commentary about the Bum Rush to use the code #AOC so that it can be picked up by Twemes.com.
In addition:
1. Trackback or Comment on the post that Chris leaves on March 29, at 12am CST, so that everyone can follow the conversation and help promote exposure on social sites (Digg, StumbleUpon, Del.icio.us, etc.)
2. Digg the posts listed on Chris' site and send emails and shouts to friends requesting Diggs.
3. Stumble the posts listed & tell friends to do the same.
4. Bookmark your posts on Del.icio.us
5. Add your post to other social media outlets ( Technorati, Ma.gnolia, Furl, BlinkList, Newsvine, Facebook, etc.)
6. Send an Old Fashioned email to your friends about the Bum Rush for AoC.
7. Keep talking - Get on ooVoo, iChat, Aim, or where ever you like to talk, and start talking.
To add the Join the Rush Badge to your Blog or Web page: simply copy and paste the HTML code from Drew's blogpost.
+ Add your Reviews and tags on Amazon - Help fill it up!
+ Join the Facebook Group - You can join the group here.
+ Become an AOC Fan on Facebook - Join the AOC fan page here.
Please help make this day a huge success. Don't forget! Join The Rush on 3/29/08. Thank you!
Technorati Tags: The Age of Conversation social media bum rush bumrush Variety
Del.icio.us Tags: The Age of Conversation social media bum rush bumrush Variety
Let's make it happen!
Lewis, I know you are ready to make it happen! Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm. See you soon.
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Reminder: Please, no self-promotional or SPAM comments. Don't bother if you're simply trying to build inauthentic link juice. Finally, don't be anonymous: it's too hard to have a conversation. Thanks, CB