This month's BlogTipping relates to the customer experience. The questions and thoughts below force soul-searching and honest assessment.
+ Stephanie Weaver wonders Do people care about "customer experience" yet? It looks like we've only just begun.
+ Greg Verdino asks Do you make your customers uncomfortable? and says "It is our obligation to see each and every action through our customers's eyes and do what we can to make them feel comfortable. Comfortable doing business with our companies, supporting our brands, with the product choices they've made. " How comfortable are you to do business with?
+ If you're not quite sure, then watch this video clip on David Armano's Logic & Emotion titled Breaking Up with Advertising. It puts into perspective our traditional methods of pushing a message onto the consumer.
+ Techno//Marketer Matt Dickman explains the benefits of Web 2.0 for Marketers:It's the community, stupid! "Web 2.0 is...about leveraging communities around your brand to add value to you customers." It amplifies the interaction, making mass communications look flat and oh-so-limited in comparison.
+ David also discusses Creating Compassionate Designers. Regardless of the field you operate in, read this article. It applies to all of us who truly believe in creating a meaningful customer experience.
+ Alan Thys captures his thoughts on How to delight your customers (10 thoughts). Anyone have additions to this list?
+ Tom Vander Well asks Do You Leave the "Customer" Out of "Customer Service?" What are you measuring? Does it really matter? "What is really important to the long term success of your business is knowing what YOUR customers expect and then meeting/exceeding those expectations."
+ Maria Palma brings up The One Thing That Scares Customers Away... Indifference. Avoid it at all costs.
On the retail experience front, Conversation Agent, Valeria Maltoni, shares No Advertising... And Thriving, Retail Style describing Anthropologie's non-traditional approach to retail. Here, too, passion for the consumer's experience matters. I frequently refer to Anthropologie in presentations, given how unique their approach to retail. If you don't know them, then do so immediately.
On the marketing-to-women front, Michele Miller from WonderBranding: Marketing to Women shares this priceless video clip guaranteed to have both men and women in stitches [I have tested it on both]: A Guy Thing. Someone here spent time understanding this particular customer experience...
Flooring Toe Taps of Amazement go to:
+ Steve Woodruff from StickyFigure for creating the Marketing Bloggers Portal and organizing the many terrific marketing blogs into such a user-friendly format.
+ Arun Rajagopal pays tribute to the authors of The Age of Conversation in Getting to know 'Age of Conversation' authors - 8 & finito!. It took him 8 separate posts and a great deal of research into approx. 100 authors, but he did it. [For more information on The Age of Conversation, please refer to The Conversation Age - Enabled.]
From a big picture perspective, consider the following:
+ Daria Radota Rasmussen from MediaBlog shares a Few Slides on Life which, using PowerPoint, offers a poetic perspective on the meaning of life. Talk about an unusual way of creating a customer experience....
+ Marijean Jaggers from StlWorkingMom has been working on a fantastic project about Helping the Homeless in Charlottesville. Every one of your customers has a voice. Are you listening?
June marks the official beginning of Summer. To add to the fun -- and for my Wear-Dated associates who missed the original hoopla on this -- here is the official link to the original Diet Coke/Mentos experiments: eepybird.com & the Diet Coke/Mentos experiments [this link takes you to the original and -in my opinion- best of the experiments]. Do check out the section on The Science [for educational fun with your kids, of course]. You'll learn more that you thought possible on the interactions between sodas and candy.... [Thanks to Arun for the reminder!]
Happy June!
Technorati Tags: blogtipping, marketing, customer experience, retail experience, marketing to women
C.B. -- I'm glad you found the Web2.0 series valuable. Congrats on the Top 25 marketing blog ranking btw! Keep up the great writing.
Matt, thanks and same to you! What a great series. Best.
thanks for the mention, CB. I must confess that this is first time I've been given "Flooring Toe Taps of Amazement" - I'm honored!
CB -- these are wonderful resources, thank you. And congratulations on the Top 25. You make the retail and consumer topics really pop.
Thank you, Valeria! You make the richness of conversation pop.
Steve, I'm getting a taste for what you created and you earned those toe taps!
Thanks for the link C.B. Unexpected and much appreciated - you floored me. :-)
I was wondering why I was feeling a little tipsy yesterday - I didn't realize I'd been "blog-tipped"! Thanks C.B.!
Greg, Tom, to have successfully floored and tipped the two of you is quite a treat!!
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