If we truly believe in it, customer service becomes the basis for loyalty, community, and goodwill from our customers and a source of deep energy for our organization. That's the kind of customer service Toby Bloomberg refers to as "from the heart customer service" in her post Little Acts of Kindness.
I like the reference to 'from the heart' as it reminds me that, in the marketplace, we connect with one another as individuals, looking to offer others value in the form of solutions.
Ron Knoth makes that point in Customers Don't Shop Here, People Do. If our customers are guests in our stores, why do we treat them as poorly as we do? Don't we value them? Think of the opportunities inherent to truly expressing hospitality to customers, offering them true service. Intriguing, isn't it?
Even more powerful to realize that a true commitment to service and hospitality stirs serotonin! as Robyn McMaster explains. Imagine, we feel better by welcoming others and making them feel good. She offers the following strategies on how to make hospitality that much more special:
+ Welcome new folks to your table
+ Ambiance
+ Plan well ahead
+ Ask Two-Footed questions
+ Listen more than you talk
+ Be vulnerable
+ Don't expect paybacks
Toby, in her post, refers to the following Ten Simple Truths of Service. Consider them in combination with Robyn's list. [Do read the original post as Toby includes tips for each truth]:
1. Great Service Inspires Stories/Memories.
2. Great Service Uses Outside-The-Box Thinking
3. Great Service Is A Choice
4. Great Service Starts With A Clear Vision
5. Great Service Requires That Everyone Catch The Vision
6. Great Service Surprises People
7. Great Service Begins With Anyone
8. Great Service Goes The Extra Mile
9. Great Service Brings Customers Back
10. Great Customer Service Comes From The Heart
From the heart customer service automatically means that you really know who your customers are, as Michele Miller explains. Which leads to loyalty and more business.
Oh, and by the way, if you aren't totally on board with customer service like you mean it, it can sink you.
I know which I prefer. What about you?
Technorati Tags: customer service Toby Bloomberg Robyn McMaster Michele Miller Ron Knoth hospitality ten simple truths of service Del.icio.us Tags: customer service Toby Bloomberg Robyn McMaster Michele Miller Ron Knoth hospitality ten simple truths of service
I believe service is everything. In a down market like we are in at the present, we can not afford to slack in this department. Customer loyalty is built on service in my humble opinion.
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nice job you have done on your blogsite.
Jhn Cooper
Custom Wholesale Floors
Jacksonville, Florida
C.B., I stopped by because I saw your photo on MyBlogLog. It was just great to see your face.
Great post to see how to put heart into customer relationships. Thanks so much for citing my work, too!
John, I agree with you about service and loyalty. There's so much to be gained in this kind of environment with true service and helping people make sense out of what we do. I like all of the information you've included on your site. Thanks for visiting and commenting.
Robyn, thanks so much for stopping by. I think of you frequently and love how your post captured the perfect sentiment for customer service.
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