Perhaps it's that Blog Action Day which took place 10/15/10 addressed Water.
Or maybe that sales of Age of Conversation 3 will benefit Charity:Water. [Disclaimer: I am a contributor to Age of Conversation 3.]
I wrote about both in Blog Action Day: Water & AOC3.
I've also just taken part in a local CROP Hunger Walk where water plays as important a role as food.
In any case, water matters and Bathroom Blogfest 2010 has begun and I'm thinking about water.
Did you know that World Toilet Day takes place November 19? It's sponsored by the World Toilet Organization which invests in sanitation around the world to help ensure a better world. I learned about that from fellow Bathroom Blogfester Bethany Richmond who writes the Carpet and Rug Institute Blog. Did you know that poor sanitation conditions prevents girls from getting an education? Shameful when you think that the more educated girls are, the more likely you are to have stable living conditions which in turn leads to more stable economic environments.
Talk about 'Stuck in the 60s'! Isn't that something you want to change?
I started researching better sanitation and came across intriguing solutions available literally for pennies! For Pennies, a Disposable Toilet That Could Help Grow Crops and A Path to Financial Equality in Malaysia. It certainly gets your attention!
As you read through the various Bathroom Blogfest posts this week, keep in the back of your mind how lucky we are to have water and what we might do to help others enjoy the water and sanitation we do. Let's prevent sanitation from being 'Stuck in the 60s'. Let's truly make clean water available to all.
Check out the World Toilet Organization.
Consider purchasing Age of Conversation 3: It's Time to Get Busy!
Let me know what you think about water and how it matters to others.
Happy Bathroom Blogfest 2010!
Once again I am glad to see that you are raising awareness levels. This sounds like a fun event!
Pablo, I do my best! You might consider joining in on the Bathroom Blogfest. You might enjoy it!
That's good, it really sound very impressive. I would also like to join the bathroom blogfest.
Bathroom Tile, you are most welcome to join in! I bet you have some wonderful ideas and images to share.
Thanks for your interest.
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