Thanksgiving being such an American holiday, it's often difficult to explain to non-Americans. To my Parisian family [my Mom is French], we found it simpler to describe Thanksgiving as the feast during which Americans ate as well if not better [!] than the French [Mon Dieu!] - and left it at that. Which is probably why I found this Art Buchwald story titled A Turkey Dinner With French Dressing absolutely hysterical when I first came across it in the late 70s/early 80s [then, it was titled "Le Jour de Merci Donnant". BTW, the premise of the article works with just about any language, so if you were to consider "Spanish Dressing" Thanksgiving would become El Dia de Gracias Dando].
In the spirit of giving thanks, I'd like to highlight some folks who have been wonderfully giving in the blogosphere. I heartily recommend that you visit their sites, if you haven't already:
Mike Sansone from Converstations offered me my first blogtip in October 1st: Blogtipping. I heeded his advice and immediately benefitted by connecting with Susan Abbott [see below]!
My second blogtip came from Drew McLellan at McLellan Marketing Group's Drew's Marketing Minute in Blogtipping -- November '06. Drew, I have trackbacks enabled.
My third and most recent blogtip came from the creator of blogtipping himself, Easton Ellsworth at Business Blogwire in November 2006 Blogtipping Cuisine: Served Fresh and Hot.

I'm extremely proud that Maria Palma's Customers Are Always has inducted Flooring The Consumer into the Customers Are Always Hall of Acclaim in Customers Are Always Incredible Hall of Acclaim Week Two Inductees.
I really appreciate what my guest contributors have posted:
+ Deb Binder with Putting Women In Their Place Front and Center;
+ Sarah Goodman with Going the Extra Kilometer with Iron Girl Judy Molnar and Passing the Torch: Marketing to Moms AND their Daughters;
+ Lisa Contreras with Bloomingdale's Bathroom Makeover;
+ Scott Moore with An Architect's View of Better Lifestyle Centers.
They have added a rich dimension to the conversation. Don't wait too long to contribute more, okay?
Thanks to Susan Abbott from Customer Experience Crossroads and Stephanie Weaver at Experienceology for inviting me to participate in the Bathroom Blogfest. What an amazing ride joining them along with Reshma Anand at What I Do For A Living, Sara Cantor at Curious Shopper, Jackie Huba at Church of the Customer, Maria Palma at Customers Are Always, Linda Tischler at Fast Company's blog FC Now and Sandra Renshaw at Purple Wren. And, thank you to our Wear-Dated reps. for sharing so many wonderful perspectives! I promise you, there will be many more opportunities!
I'm really grateful to my Mom for sharing her story in My Mom is in the Market For Carpet [be sure to read all 3 parts]. Do you know she was surprised that my French cousins knew all about her saga when she was in Paris 3 weeks ago? I wonder which friend or family member will be next? If you have a story, don't be shy. Send me an email.
Thanks, all, and Happy Thanksgiving! Joyeux Jour de Merci Donnant! !Feliz Dia de Gracias Dando!
Technorati Tags: Thanksgiving, customer service, ladiesrooms
Hi CB, and thanks in return!
Your stories and care for customers are inspiring. Your ability to collaborate and learn quickly unmatched.
I remember first reading about the Blogfest and how such a great group of bloggers were collaborating - I forgot that Susan was first among your commenters. What a story!
Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. I'm grateful for your insightful and entertaining posts.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us all!
CB, wake up every morning with a heart full of thanks and your life will never be unhappy. Great post. You've made my day. I ought to go do one of these thanksgiving posts now!
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