Flooring The Consumer on Simple Marketing Now

Please visit Flooring The Consumer's new home on SimpleMarketingNow.com where you can subscribe to receive updates to blog articles in real time!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Showrooming Makes For Retail Innovation!

Given all of the talk about Showrooming and how it spells the end of the brick-and-mortar retail experience, I think you'll enjoy reading...

Let me know what you think!



Wednesday, September 26, 2012

11 Ideas for Connecting With Customers....

How do you connect with customers?

Here are ideas I came across...

I'd love to hear what you think!



Monday, August 27, 2012

Multitasking & Getting More Customers

I think you will enjoy this article about the critical art of juggling, and how to connect with customers:

I'd love to hear your reactions.



Monday, August 13, 2012

World Class Great Customer Experience at Pike Place Fish Market

Knowing now what I've learned about creating remarkable customer experiences, I wish I could go back to the Pike Place Market to observe world class great in action!  In the meantime, you may enjoy this article:

Thanks for reading!



Monday, July 23, 2012

Redefining the Retail Experience: 3 Examples

I found these three examples of retailers redefining the retail experience fascinating:

I'd love to hear your reactions.

Thanks for reading.



Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Avoid "Paradox of Choice" to Connect With Customers

You may enjoy the following article:

As always, thank you for reading!



Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tips for Getting More Customers, Inspired by Crocs

Are you customers of Crocs? I am and I love receiving their emails. They stop me in my tracks whether I'm in the market to buy shoes or not. They exude a strong personal touch that makes me want to stay connected with them.

Read my post to learn more:

Then, let me know what you think.



Monday, June 11, 2012

Ecommerce Best Practices and the Online Retail Experience

I recently researched eCommerce best practices and detail them in the following blog article:

Have you come across best practices not covered here? Do let me know!

Thanks for reading.



Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Customers = Loyal Customers

For inspiration about customers, the customer experience and building loyalty, I recommend learning about 'Happy Customers Everywhere', the latest book by Columbia Business School's Bernd Schmitt, by visiting the following blog article interview:

Happiness and Customer Experience: Interview with Bernd Schmitt

How do you bring happiness to your customers?

Thanks for reading.



Monday, May 21, 2012

JetBlue Airline and the Customer Experience

I had my first JetBlue experience traveling to/from Coverings 2012 in Orlando, Florida. It was memorable! In a good way!

Here is my summary:

JetBlue Reinvents Airline Customer Experience

Have you flown JetBlue? What did you think? Have you come across other examples of airlines reinventing the customer experience?

Thanks for reading!



Monday, May 14, 2012

Tips for Connecting With Customers

Do you have time-tested tips for connecting with customers? I'd love to hear about them.

Here are some I gathered while at Surfaces:

Thanks for reading!



Monday, May 07, 2012

The Shoe Lovers' Retail Experience: DSW

Are you familiar with DSW, also known as Designer Show Warehouse? It is 100% focused on shoe lovers. In the following article, I explore the DSW shoe lover retail experience:

I'd love to hear your thoughts on DSW and the article.

Thanks for reading!



Monday, April 30, 2012

Schmitt on Happiness and the Customer Experience

If you are as intrigued as I am with the notion of 'happy customers', you'll enjoy this interview with Columbia Business School professor and customer experience expert Bernd Schmitt:

Happiness and Customer Experience: Interview with Bernd Schmitt

[If you are in NYC on 5/2/12, you can learn more by attending the One Happy Book Launch Columbia Business School Alumni Club of New York event.]



Monday, April 02, 2012

Zappos Online: Powered by Customers!

My latest blog article explores Zappos Online. There, too, customers are at the forefront!

I invite you to read and share your comments.




Monday, March 19, 2012

How To Articulate Customer Expectations: Sandy Smith

If you feel strongly about delivering a Starbucks-like experience, you will enjoy Sandy Smith's breakdown of seven customer expectations. They will get you thinking and anticipating how to delight customers.

Simple click on the link to read the article:

Thanks for reading!



Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Design, Trends, Customer Experience: Wisdom from Cheryl Durst

If you enjoy reading about trends, and then thinking how they may affect the future, you'll enjoy this article.

Let me know what you think!



Monday, February 27, 2012

Best Business Marketing Blogs of 2012

Do check out my latest blog article on Flooring The Consumer! Not only does it include some amazing business marketing blog resources, but....

Best Business Marketing Blogs of 2012 Include Flooring The Consumer!

Thanks for reading!



Monday, February 20, 2012

Ace Hardware on Customer Loyalty: 3 Lessons

I do love coming across examples of retailers that focus on customers in really smart ways. In this recent article, I share with you perspective from Ace Hardware.

Please read the full article by clicking on

Thanks for reading!



Monday, February 13, 2012

Unsolicited Retail Communications Via Text or Email

Have you been duped into receiving unsolicited emails or -worse yet - text messages? Here is my rant on that topic and why opting-in is the way to go:

Thanks for reading!



Monday, February 06, 2012

Thoughtfulness in the Retail Experience: Zipcar, Nufloors Coquitlam

Whenever I come across signs of thoughtfulness in the retail experience, I appreciate it. In this article, I share with you examples from Zipcar [thank you, Gary Petersen!] and Nufloors Coquitlam in British Columbia [thank you, Cynthia Dean!].

You may read the article by clicking on the link:

Let me know what examples you've come across in your retail travels that have caught your attention.

Let me know, too, how you demonstrate thoughtfulness in your business?

Thanks for reading!



Monday, January 30, 2012

Does 'Green' Feel Good? 5 Tips

Do you celebrate 'green' or are you skeptical? Here are 5 tips for ensuring that green feels good to you and your customers:

Sustainability and Flooring Marketing: 'Green Should Feel Good'

Thanks for reading!



Friday, January 27, 2012

Retail Experience in the News: Link for Updates!

If you are looking for my weekly updates on Retail Experience in the News, you will find them on the Simple Marketing Now website.

More specifically, click on Retail Experience in the News on Flooring The Consumer.

Any questions or observations, please let me know.

Thanks for reading!



Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Uniqlo's Retail Experience Offers 2 Business Marketing Ideas

I love coming across new retail experience examples, particularly when they offer ideas for reconsidering the tried and true... This latest blog article is inspired by Uniqlo which recently opened two stores in NYC, in addition to its SoHo store: on 5th Avenue and on 34th Street.

To read the article, click on...

Two Small Business Marketing Ideas From Uniqlo

Comments welcome!

Thanks for reading.



Monday, January 09, 2012

How to Use eMail to Not Generate Retail Business!

Here is my latest post inspired by the onslaught of email messages I received from retailers over the holidays. Were you in the same boat? What did you think of the experience?

Check out How Not To Get More Business: 7 eMail Retail Experience Horrors! and let me know what you think... and what you would add to the list!

Thanks for reading.



Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Megabus Inspired Customer Experience Musts!

Happy New Year 2012!

My newest post was inspired by my holiday travels to Washington, DC.  The article is titled MegaBus Customer Service Experience: Communication Matters and refers to three recommendations for ensuring a memorable customer experience.

I welcome your comments.


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